Coconut and citrus halibut

Coconut and citrus halibut

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

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Halibut offers a tight and tasty flesh that cooks quickly without becoming fluffy. In this recipe, I marinated halibut 1-2 hours in a citrus juice , herbs and tomatoes so that the fish absorbs the acidulous flavors . Halibut is then cooked in a coconut milk broth and tomato pulp to bring a little sweetness . You can also make this recipe with other types of white fish such as cod or hake .

Coconut and citrus halibut

For 4 servings

Preparation time: 10 min, Marinated time: 1à 2 heures, Cooking time: 30 min

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 600g halibut fillet
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 limes
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 parsley bouquet
  • 330 ml coconut milk
  • 1 can of tomato pulp
  • 1 tsp of curry
  • Olive oil in spray
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cube sugar
  • salt and pepper



  • Squeeze the oranges and limes. Reserve the juice .
  • Cut the halibut fillet in pieces and place in a dish. Add salt and pepper. Lightly oil with an olive oil spray.

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

  • Cut the tomatoes in very thin pieces.
  • Mince onion and parsley.
  • Mix in a bowl the tomatoes, parsley and onion. Add salt and pepper.
  • Pour this mixture on the fish.

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

  • Then pour the limes and oranges juice.
  • Put in the fridge and let marinate for 1 to 2 hours.
  • In a pot , pour a tablespoon of olive oil and tomato pulp. Add salt and pepper. Add the sugar to reduce the acidity.

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

  • Simmer 5 minutes .
  • Add coconut milk and curry and simmer another 5 minutes.

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

  • Add the fish to the mixture in the pot. Add tomatoes, onions and parsley without all the juice .

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

  • Simmer 20-25 minutes.

I served this fish with a brown rice and broccoli bites .

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

Flétan en sauce coco et agrumes

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