Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

Spinach, Feta and cherry tomatoes Gözleme

Spinach, Feta and cherry tomatoes Gözleme

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

l Switch language for recipe in French l

I discovered gözleme in Melbourne, at the “Queen Victoria Market.” This covered market is a treasure! During some times of the year, the market is open at night and offers several stalls where you can eat and drink as it pleases you. You walk through the aisles and you will be guided by the flavours, the traders’ calls, seeking the stall offering the dish that you saw in the hands of a passerby! You can eat filipino skewers, Pork Belly, pizzas, chocolate fruit skewers …and it was a discovery for me: gözleme. It is a kind of bread or pancake coming from Turkey , which is made with yoghurt and is spread very thinly. It is then traditionally filled with spinach and feta. Mushrooms, pieces of meat can be added or whatever you want. It is accompanied by a yogurt sauce with herbs and you can sprinkle some lemon juice on the top. A delight that I have had to reproduce absolutely!



Spinach, Feta and cherry tomatoes Gözleme

For 4 servings

Preparation time: 10min, Rest time: 30min, Cooking time: 15min

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 180g flour
  • 1 greek yogurt (150g)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 200g spinach leaves
  • 15 cherry tomatoes
  • 200g feta



  • In a bowl, mix flour, yogurt and salt and form a ball.

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

  • Wrap the ball with a plastic wrap and let stand 30 minutes at room temperature.

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

  • Meanwhile , cut the cherry tomatoes in 4. Crumble feta and wash the spinach .

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

  • On a floured work surface, divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll out the dough into a thin layer with a rolling pin .

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

  • On the dough place 1/4 spread feta , 1/4 cherry tomatoes, and 1/4 spinach . Flatten to avoid to be too thick.

Gözleme épinards, feta, tomates cerises

  • Fold the dough into 4.

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerisesGözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

  • Repeat the operation with the 3 other parts of the dough.
  • Cook without grease in a hot frying pan on each face until coloured circles appear on the dough ( 6 minutes each face).

Gözleme épinards, feta, tomates cerises

Serve with herb sauce and a lemon wedge .

Gözleme épinards, feta et tomates cerises

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