My crunchy chocolate bar

My crunchy chocolate bar

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

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Today I wanted to reproduce the chocolate bar from my childhood. It’s a chocolate bar with puffed rice . Some people will think of the famous chocolate brand but for me it is rather the memory of this tablet that my uncles and aunts took me back from Germany, Reis Shoko !


To reproduce this chocolate to perfection , you have to choose your puffed rice . I found this puffed rice in an organic store, it is natural , unsweetened and perfectly puffed . Then nothing more simple, you will need quality melted chocolate and a silicone chocolate mould .

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

My crunchy chocolate bar

Preparation time: 5min, Refrigeration time: 30min

[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]

  • 30g organic puffed rice
  • 100g chocolate 66% cocoa


Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy


  • Melt 70g of the chocolate in the micro waves.
  • In a bowl, stir the melted chocolate with the puffed rice.

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

  • Pour the chocolate rice in a silicon mould.

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

  • Melt the 30g remaining chocolate in the micro waves.
  • Pour the chocolate on the top and spread.

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

  • Put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

  • Take out of the mould and enjoy !

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy

Ma tablette de chocolat crunchy


  1. Mes parents aussi m’achetaient ce riz en Allemagne, chez Métro précisément !

    je viens d’ailleurs de le trouver chez Métro France, ils viennent de rentrer exactement le même !

    en tout cas je vais essayer la recette à la maison !

    • Doux souvenir d’enfance que l’on partage ?. J’espère que la recette maison vous plaira autant ! Belle découverte à vous.

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